
Bandprofile N - Z

in Echozone 02.02.2012 16:34
von Witchy | 1.469 Beiträge

Hier stehen alle Infos zu den Echozone - Bands

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Northern Sadness

in Echozone 02.02.2012 16:36
von Witchy | 1.469 Beiträge


Summer 2010. July 3th. Dead Poets’ singer Koen De Brabander & bassplayer Philippe Lefief decide to join forces: out of the ashes of Dead Poets rose Northern Sadness. A new dark electro band, for which they started writing songs that very day.

One month later recording begins at Philippe’s Bear Cave Studios. The new songs of the duo are received with much enthusiasm by a close circle of intimate friends & gothic lovers, called ‘The Test Team’. A fan page is made public through Facebook where, once again, a broader public receives the songs with much excitement.

On june 15th 2011 Northern Sadness signs a recording contract with German recordlabel ECHOZONE.

Today Northern Sadness are finalizing their first album, due for release fall 2011.


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RE: Northern Sadness

in Echozone 02.02.2012 16:39
von Witchy | 1.469 Beiträge

The band NONmusic have been around since 2000 and actually the band was known before as Ksiht in their homecountry Slovenia. Seemingly Techno/Prog Indie rock, but so much more than a classic generic generalization. An eye opening discovery of exciting dynamics and mind expanding dimensions. Personal lyrics with universal understanding. are combined with intensive rhythms, electronic sounds and electric guitar riffs.
Their first single called ''. '' (dot) was released in 2001, and soon started gaining popularity on all major music TV shows in Slovenia. The following year the band released album ''...in profit=duša'' (…and the profit is soulfulness) under Dallas Records, the biggest record label in Slovenia.

With more and more stage experience and the thirst for bigger audiences the band started thinking international. The help arrived from UK, when an England based TV producer John Golley interacted with the band and co-produced their first ever EP in English. When music got new dimensions, even more focused on lyrics, melody and harmony now, the group of four, stood before their greatest challenge. Start something that would be sang in international language but still had the same ingredients as before, rich with experiences, stage-ready and a lot to say.
The name NONmusic is exactly what they were after. Something that would represent their music in the best and shortest way. A negate of everything the group despise in the world around them. Contradiction of love songs gone bad, poems of craving, lust, remorse, energy in vain all cleverly incorporated in rich sonic synthesis of guitar and electronics. The music is serious and the attitude has to be.
"Not Everything Is Made In China" is their first official release in English released worldwide trough Echozone / Sony Music.

The songs on album are like a trip like experience, or an exploration of human spirit and interaction through the eyes of a motherboard inside a vintage fender amp. The highlight of this album is a cover version of the Depeche Mode song "It’s No Good". NONmusic version sounds refreshingly different but still you can recognize the song. This song and of course the other songs on the album prove how skilful this band is and their album is really fun to listen to.

The band took this project very seriously right from the start- shooting two videos "3rd" and "Gender Charger" with international film teams was just one of the efforts the band put into their career.

Big recognition for the band was that a band like The Killers found out about NONmusic and asked them to play as their support act for their Slovenian open air show at Hippodrome Ljubljana in front of 20.000 people. At this concert NONmusic could present their music live to a wider audience and feedback of crowds was excellent. That proved that the band is stronger than ever and mature enough to play their music in front of anyone on this planet.


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in Echozone 02.02.2012 16:46
von Witchy | 1.469 Beiträge


PLACE4TEARS was founded on the 22nd of december in 2003 as BLURRED LIPSTICK by tyves (well know from his Gothic-Underground Magazine called Crawling Tunes) & schuchy... both guys were playing together in another band since 1994 which was called Kälteeinbruch and later Wält... sabine joined the band just as guestvocalist in the first time as she did before also in Wält... after recording a lot of tracks, their first album was released by their own-production on 26, July 2004 titled: "heavenly fields"...
The final line-up was built, after the first release when julia joined the band... she demonstrates with her voice to be perfect for the role, and brought new beautiful waving sounds to the band. After a few rejections by labels (in form of no answering/replying us)... we decided to working more, harder and better...
tyves thought it could be good to found a new name for the band... and on the 1st of August in 2005 BLURRED LIPSTICK renamed PLACE4TEARS. On 22nd of May 2006 Place4Tears released their 2nd album called "the silent flame" which is their own production once again.
On 10. of april 2009 "The Silent Flame" became re-released by Echozone who signed the band. The fun to play the tracks and the consistently positive feedback let the project keep goin on & Place4Tears spent a lot of tracks for compilations..


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in Echozone 02.02.2012 16:49
von Witchy | 1.469 Beiträge


Pandique' ist ein deutsches Future Pop-Projekt, das im März 2001 von Torsten Kreissl und Thorsten Berschuck ins Leben gerufen wurde. Selbst bezeichnet die Gruppe ihre Musik als Electronic-Trance-Pop, was sich in melodischen Refrains und tanzbaren Rhythmen äußert. Nach einigen ersten Demo-CDs nahm die Band am Sonic Seducer Battle of the Bands 2002 teil und belegte auf Anhieb Platz 5 mit dem Song "Light of Justice", damals noch in einer eher bescheiden produzierten Version. Von diesem ersten Achtungserfolg angespornt lag die Teilnahme am Battle of the Bands 2003 nicht fern, den sie dann auch gewannen. Bald darauf fand man auch ein geeignetes Label für das Debüt-Album "Weltenklang". Für das Jahr 2009 steht das zweite Album "In Sturm Und Leben" in den Startlöchern, welches am 22. Mai über Echozone/Sony veröffentlicht wird.


2004: "Weltenklang''
2005: Wolke 7 E.P. (Free Web EP)
2005: ...Liebt Jeden (Free web Maxi)
2009: "In Sturm Und Leben

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Reactive Black

in Echozone 02.02.2012 18:40
von Witchy | 1.469 Beiträge

wurde Ende 2005 von „Rotten“ und „Sassy Skeleton“ ins Leben gerufen, um den selbstzerstörerischen Tendenzen und die dunklen, zu
oft versteckten und verdrängten Aspekte des menschlichen Seins in musikalischer Form uneingeschränkt Ausdruck zu verleihen.

Der Name „Reactive Black“ spiegelt für uns eben jenen Gedanken wider, sich seinen Gefühlen und Ängsten zu stellen und ihnen den benötigten
Stellenwert im alltäglichen Leben einzuräumen, sowie diese frei zu leben. Unsere Musik sehen wir somit vorrangig als Ausdruck unserer Selbst.

Unsere selbst durchlebten Texte handeln von Enttäuschungen, Träumen und Hoffnungen, aber nicht zuletzt von wohlplatziertem Hass gegenüber
dem stumpfsinnigen und dem Strom folgenden, entindividualisierten Mitläufer. Die Texte fallen daher melancholisch und düster aus, sollten aber nicht negativ gewertet werden, sondern als zwischen den Zeilen zu suchenden Denkanstoss für den interessierten Zuhörer.

Schiebende, aber bewusst einfach gehaltene Gitarren, stampfende Drums, umgarnt von bittersüssesten Melodien und breiten Keyboardflächen, bilden die Grundlage und den Gegenpol für Skeletons einzigartig tiefen Gesang, der den Zuhörer durch seinen einzigartig dunklen Charme in seinen Bann ziehen und in andere Sphären entführen mag.

2010 A new Dawn
2007 Upcoming Devil


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Remember Twilight

in Echozone 02.02.2012 18:45
von Witchy | 1.469 Beiträge

Zwielicht - das Licht, das sich aus zwei Quellen speist, lässt Grenzen verschwimmen, schafft fließende Übergänge und lässt vermeintlich Bekanntes überraschend neu und anders erscheinen. Die Zeit des Zwielichts, die Dämmerung, ist doppelbödig. Aufbruchsund Untergangsstimmung treffen hier aufeinander. Schöpfung und Vergehen.

Auch Remember Twilight stehen für Zwischentöne. Kammermusik-Core, das selbst geschaffene Genre des im Großraum Stuttgart beheimateten Oktetts, führt das klassische Klangbild von Geigen, Oboe und Cello mit dem brachialen Sound einer zwischen Metal und Hardcore angesiedelten Band zusammen, streift an Folkmelodien vorbei, beschwört schwarze Romantik herauf, ohne nebulös zu werden und sich im Sumpf altbekannter Klischees zu verirren. Das verhindern schon alleine die mit Verve vorgetragenen deutschen Texte: Momentaufnahmen der Sinnsuche in einer zerrissenen Welt. Denkanstöße, die Plattitüden meiden, aber auch frei sind von der Abgehobenheit intellektueller Elfenbeintürme.

Über die Jahre haben sich Remember Twilight durch kontinuierliche Arbeit einen festen Platz im musikalischen Untergrund erspielt. Touren mit Bands wie Waltari, Haggard oder Coppelius, Konzerte mit Die Apokalyptischen Reiter, Battlelore, Tanzwut oder Korpiklaani zeugen von der Aufgeschlossenheit verschiedenen Szenen gegenüber. Mittelalterfestival oder Metalclub: Remember Twilight folgen ihrer Vision einer eigenständigen Klangwelt mit jeder Menge Herzblut und vollem Einsatz. Wenn es die Umstände verlangen bis in die Karpaten. Das von Alex Krull (Atrocity/Leaves Eyes) produzierte Debüt „Zerrissen“ (2005), die MCD „Der Tolle Mensch“ (2007) und der von Markus Stock (The Vision Bleak) produzierte neue Release „Musik über Niedergang und Verderben“ (2010) sind Wegmarken auf einer kreativen Reise am Rande der Nacht entlang: durch die Twilight-Zone, die irgendwo zwischen Wacken und dem Hinterhof der Dreigroschenoper liegt.

2010 Musik über Niedergang & Verderben
2007 Der Tolle Mensch
2005 Zerrissen


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Saints Of Ruin

in Echozone 02.02.2012 18:51
von Witchy | 1.469 Beiträge

Youre dressed in your black trenchcoat and black boots. They look like they’re for fashion, but they’re really for kicking ass, containing those demons of the night lurking in the shadows, hiding from the moonlight. Your finger nails are painted red. from the blood dripping down your arm from an earlier confrontation. What matters now is finding your lover. Your confidant. Whose saliva will heal your battle wound and whose touch will remind you there’s a reason you’re cursed with the knowledge of dark forces. Saints Of Ruin Rock the Apocalypse with a gothic sound. Listening to them feels like you’re at a nightclub 50 years in the future. “
San Francisco Chronicle

With a sexy look and sound, The Saints Of Ruin have been selected to play shows like the Anne Rice's Vampire Ball in New Orleans, Folsom Street Fair (the world's largest fetish fair) and some of the West's hottest Goth and Rock clubs.

The Saints Of Ruin are rapidly gaining media attention with rave reviews and ample internet radio play. They appear in Mick Mercer's new Goth music directory book, "Music To Die For". Their music is featured in "Slay Angels" dish network series. They were reviewed in Revolver Magazine's Meet and Greet in September 2008 and was featured on Lip Service's Soundtrack for April 2008 and on Fuzz.com in May of 2008.

Tommy Dark found the singer he was looking for. She was in California. So he packed his guitar and leather pants and he left New York City. Before leaving NYC, Tommy Dark played lead guitar in Voltaire's band The Oddz.

Saints Of Ruin, began in San Francisco at the beginning of 2007. Tommy and singer-bass player, Ruby Ruin began writing together and creating music that fused Gothic Metal with Power Pop. Very catchy hooky stuff. Adding classically trained Kat on the keyboards and drummer Michael Broadus sealed the sound.

Saints Of Ruin signed with Echozone Records in Fall 2009.




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in Echozone 02.02.2012 19:01
von Witchy | 1.469 Beiträge

Aus dem Nichts. SIX TIMES ZERO. // SXZ / 6X0 / #000000 // Schwarz lässt Farben leuchten. Six Times Zero, Kowa und Thomskin haben Zeit und wissen sie zu nutzen. Um etwas zeitlos Widersprüchliches entstehen zu lassen. Ohne Stilgrenzen, stilbewusst. Langsam, elektronisch, akustisch, verzerrt, gehetzt, vital, betäubt. STUFFED ANIMALS NEVER THINK OF SUICIDE brauchte neun Jahre, um zu entstehen. Und nur sechs Tage, um im Studio eingespielt zu werden. Die neun Songs zeigen einen Ausschnitt des Spektrums, von Landschaftsmalerei bis Cyberpunk. Keine Single, keine Hits.

Was gibt es noch zu sagen?
Kowa: Extreme Programming und Tasten, Thomskin: Saiten und Gesang.

2011 Stuffed Animals Never Think Of Suicide


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Stargazing Project

in Echozone 02.02.2012 19:07
von Witchy | 1.469 Beiträge


"The Soundtrack to the movie that hasn't been written yet... Where Syd Barrett meets Bryan Eno..." That's what fans say about Stargazing Project's debut album 'Stargazing'.

two Born for Bliss members, Frank Weyzig and Remco Helbers, decided to join forces again to produce new music. For their new project, the main source of inspiration was the Internet. Inspired by the many mysteries of our modern times; conspiracies, alien abductions, ufo encounters and other strange events, Frank and Remco searched the internet for unusual sounds and strange recordings. These elements give shape to the StarGazing project in a very peculiar way...

The Project:
Let us explain a few words about our project...
While searching the Internet, we came across a spoken interview in which a woman claims to be abducted by aliens. This interview triggered the initial idea for the StarGazing project. The song that was build around the audio recording of this interview, reflects the mood and state of mind of the woman, who is clearly emotionally affected by the experience...

Writing the music for the album, it became clear that all the songs were breathing this same strange emotion. Even the lyrics are being affected in the same way and drift seamlessly from dream to reality. After editing, mixing and placing the songs in a particular order, there appears to be an underlying storyline. The sory of a woman who seems to have lost her grip on reality. A story being told from the perspective of the woman's friend. But, is this woman really losing grip on reality after all?...

Anyway, after completing the album, to us it is absolutely clear that there is something out there, and we invite you to join us, to participate in this modern Quest for the Holy Grail.

So join us and let's go StarGazing...

The Music:

The basic idea was to combine traditional songwriting with modern techniques as sampling and soundscaping. The drums, for instance, consist of chopped up live performances which were later edited and manipulated on the computer. On the album the different songs are connected with soundscapes composed on Chapman Stick using modern looping - techiques. This technique, based on long digital delays, also appears throughout the actual songs.

All the samplersounds were painstakingly crafted to fit every song and to blend with the live played instruments as acoustic guitar, loops and vocals. Although many of the songs seem to have an electronic basis, the main chord and melody instrument appears to be the acoustic guitar. This unusual approach gives the music it's unique characteristics.


StarGazing Project

2011 Stargazing Project - Stargazing

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The Arch

in Echozone 02.02.2012 19:13
von Witchy | 1.469 Beiträge

Back in the eighties, in a small village called Breendonk, a group of young people tried a new direction with a combination of samples, synths and guitars: The Arch, a four piece, was formed in mid 1986. Their music can be described as a cross between electronic body music and guitar rock with each instrument maintaining its individual sound.

The Arch sent their first demo, "Revenge Revival", to Dirk Ivens' Body Records and the track appeared on the compilation "Expo 87". Ludo Camberlin (Anything But Records) immediately felt the potential of the band too and released a new "Revenge Revival" mix and 3 other tracks on Anything But Records. The first Arch EP, "As Quiet As" was a fact. It was clear The Arch had to focus abroad where their music was called crossover.

It appeared to be the right decision. They had gigs in places other beginning bands could only dream of: Amsterdam, Berlin, Hamburg, Zagreb, Belgrade, Budapest etc. The first album, "A Strange Point of You" (1988) was also released on Anything But Records, and then Antler-Subway became their record company. After "The Only Thing" in 1991 The Arch split. Months became years but in 1997 a German label released a new album called "In Sofa" and afterwards a compilation and a double compilation cd was available over there.

1998 SEX
1997 IN SOFA


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The Hiram Key

in Echozone 02.02.2012 19:19
von Witchy | 1.469 Beiträge

Formed out of a disliking of what the Goth scene had evolved in to, the Hiram Key set out to cure the genre with music that they themselves wanted to listen to. It was not purely a selfish motive, as part of their masterplan is to show the teeny-marker-pen-goths how to wear their make up properly and, more importantly, how to play REAL instruments.
The English Indochine?

Akin to a gothic Travelling Wilburys, the Hiram Key consists of Gary Clarke (ex-Nosferatu), Darren Bottrill (ex Cureheads) Irish Dave(ex-Killing Miranda), Roi Robertson (on loan from his Mechanical Cabaret), and Belle Star (Nosferatu/Killing Miranda). With influences such as Bowie, Placebo, The Cure, Bauhaus, the Psychedelic Furs, Gary Numan, and Joy Division, these chaps have surely drunken from the right cup to then spill out their own brand of goth. With songs such as 'This Train' and 'Solomon's Tears', the Hiram Key display carefully thought out tunes, though far from being contrived and stale, which will keep the listening boogying in their black boots around homes and venues worldwide. In my mind I hear Ian McCulloch impersonating Bowie to a backing of the Cure meets (a more dynamic) Sisters of Mercy.

February 14th this year see them release their 'Horocrux EP', with 4 tracks remixed by Luxury Stranger, the Last Cry, and two special 'old skool goth' names. Later in the Spring their debut album 'Amerikafka' will be unveiled, which features a track with Lol Tolhurst on keyboards. European and US dates are to follow, which include playing at Leipzig and some dates with Ikon. This band are dead set on curing the goth scene, dragging it away from the EBM enfused clubbers, and promise to deliver some solid songs that you can't say "boo!" to.

Look out for their article in the Sound On Sound magazine this March, and also keep an eye out for their live dates.

After a successful german tour with IKON The Hiram Key signed with Echozone and Sony and their debut album Amerikafka will be released on the label in October 2011 with three bonus tracks and a full colour booklet containing the artwork of Chilena artist Jessica Suarez,
The Hiram Key are embarking upon their first USA tour on June 30th 2011 as support to American Coldwave giants - Strap On Halo


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zuletzt bearbeitet 02.02.2012 19:20 | nach oben springen



in Echozone 02.02.2012 19:26
von Witchy | 1.469 Beiträge

Traumtanzer wurde im Mai 2008 von Tom O'Connell (ehemals Garden of Delight) ins Leben gerufen. Es gab nur eine Bedingung für Tom O'Connell, Traumtaenzer sollte tanzbare und atmosphärische Klänge besitzen und mit anspruchsvollen deutschen Zeilen besungen werden.

Schnell fand Tom O'Connell die männliche Stimme. Marco B., der mit Tom O'Connell in der Band Downscarred spielte, war von der Idee fasziniert und so wurde aus dem Projekt Traumtaenzer eine große Leidenschaft.

Das erste Stück „Für die Nacht“ wurde in Tom O'Connells Sattva Studio produziert und viele weitere folgten. Der Einsatz von Gastmusikern rundeten das Album „der weisse Raum“ mit weiblichen und klassischen Klängen ab.

Seit 2010 wird Traumtaenzer von Sandra Spinnraths (ehemals Le Cri Du Mort) und Eva Paschen (ehemals Anubiz und Unrein) unterstützt. Evas wundervolle Stimme bereichert die Stücke enorm und Sandra versteht es mit Ihrer Violine, Akzente im Traumtaenzer Klangbild zu setzten.

Es folgten Konzerte u.a. mit Leichenwetter, Ally the Fiddle, Scherbenpalast, In Viro, Lord of the Lost, UNHEILIG, Oomph, Lacrimas Profundere, Subway to Sally, Saltatio Mortis etc.

Typisch für Traumtaenzer sind die rockigen, druckvollen aber auch tanzbaren Songs, sowie nachdenkliche, ruhige Stücke bei denen die Streicher besonders im Vordergrund stehen und den Songs eine klassische Note verleihen.

Traumtaenzer lieben es auf der Bühne zu leben. Sie ziehen viele Menschen in Ihren Bann und hinterlassen mit Ihrer Liebe zur Musik einen bleibenden Eindruck, sodass das Publikum ständig wächst.

Ein weiterer Beleg der Vielseitigkeit von Traumtaenzer sind die Remixe für Bands wie De/ Vision, The House of Usher, Root 4 und Dark Instance... (weitere folgen)

Die Aufnahmen zum kommendem Album „Das Gift der Engel“ haben begonnen. Die Klänge von "Schattenspiel" sind hier zu hören.
Liebste Grüße und Glück Auf.

2011 Schattenspiel
2010 Der weisse Raum


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Tunes Of Dawn

in Echozone 02.02.2012 19:32
von Witchy | 1.469 Beiträge

Durch Zeiten des Wandelns und Werdens hindurch haben sich TUNES OF DAWN ihren eigenen Sound erarbeitet und schicken sich nun an mit ihrem dritten Album „Goodbye Cruel World“ Szenegrenzen zu überschreiten und ein neues Feld in der Musiklandschaft zu bereisen.

Die Verwobenheit von poppig-rockigem Beat, treibenden Gitarrenriffs, drückenden Bassläufen und einer zwischen Keyboard und Gitarre in Korrespondenz oder Ergänzung laufenden Melodielinie, führt zu einem Erlebnis aus Klang und Wort.

Eingängige Hooks leben friedlich Tür an Tür mit Sounds und auch Melodien die sich durchaus hin und wieder den Namen experimentell verdienen, bedenkt man, dass die vier Herren nicht erst seit gestern musikalisch unterwegs sind, sondern bereits 1993 ihre Laufbahn begonnen haben. Nach 17 Jahren und mehreren hundert Konzerten, sowie zahlreichen Festivalauftritten später, ist man abermals deutlich gereift und hat den Stil gefunden, welcher aufgrund der zahlreichen Einflüsse schwer zu beschreiben ist, aber die Brücke zwischen Underground und Tageslicht schlägt und somit sicher für jeden etwas bereit hält, der für handgemachte Rockmusik jenseits der –sucht-den-Superstar-Welle ein offenes Ohr hat. Gänsehaut und hoher Wiedererkennungswert inklusive.

Mit einem weinenden und einem lachenden Auge setzen sich TUNES OF DAWN zwischen alle Stühle, sowohl musikalisch als auch lyrisch. So konnte eine Blüte entstehen, die wahrhaftig das Kunststück fertig bringt, in dunklen Farben zu erstrahlen.

In dieser Vielfalt liegt Ausdrucksstärke. Ist sie doch sowohl in der Vielfältigkeit der Bandmitglieder und ihrer Einflüsse, als auch den individuellen Erlebnis- und Gefühlswelten jedes Einzelnen begründet. Und jeder findet doch immer wieder seinen speziellen Weg, diese in das Gesamtkonzept einzubringen. Da ist manches Ende so abrupt wie sonst nur das Leben zuschlägt, oder eben der T.O.D.

2010 Goodbye cruel world
2008 Of Tragedies in the morning & solutions in the evening
2005 How is going to the end


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in Echozone 02.02.2012 19:34
von Witchy | 1.469 Beiträge


twila.too is a belgian singer, songwriter and composer. she lives in cologne since 2001, where she quickly took her place in the electronic scene. involved in several projects for labels as WARE, MINISTRY OF SOUND, SERVE & DESTROY and BMG she put her voice on different shades of music, from house to downbeat electronics and drum'n'bass. in her collaborations, we can count the names of AIR LIQUIDE, BOB HUMID, DECOMPOSED SUBSONIC & NEWTON .

twila.too did always put a certain importance and pleasure in playing live. she has experienced the stage-performance many times during the last years, mainly exploring electronic music and further back, indie-rock. in 2001 / 2002, she performed along with BOB HUMID on his album-tour for the very highly acclaimed "twisted repairs / despairs" albums on SERVE & DESTROY / GROOVE ATTACK. together they performed live-sets at WMF, SENSOR, MOBILAT, GOLDEN PUDEL, UNIQUE, DISTILLERY and on countless other parties in germany..s suburbia. with sensitiveness and magic, twila.too knows her stuff and is an experienced guide in leading the listeners through an universe of atmospherical beauty. along with bob humid she has also released tracks on BOXER SPORT and WARE RECORDS with their subbass-driven, song-orientated club-project FEATHERWEIGHT.

C R O S S E D L I N E S is the name of twila.too's debut album. the term "crossed lines" describes the struggle of human communication by using the double meaning of a technical description. sometimes our language behaves like disrupted airwaves...

the album was recorded, edited and produced over a long period of time with a great sense for detail and dedication. bob humid, who produced and engineered most of the tracks of the album, did a highly sophisticated job to preserve twila.too's original compositions while shaping them into a modern form, drawing lines between futuristic, actual and established electronical styles and her melancholic songwriting. with numinos and leschet & wilde, twila.too could win two additional respected musical forces from cologne's music underground that add an even different touch on the production.

2009 Crossed Lines


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